
Power boost for galvo scanner

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Smart Scan Motion overcomes the limitations of galvanometer-based redundant motion systems. The motion algorithm of the Early-Ride team optimizes path planning, enables more user-friendly planning processes, and thus increases the productivity of the technology. In the interview, founder Daniel Kurth explains how he came up with the idea at the Institute of Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems (ISW) at the University of Stuttgart and how the ICM Early Ride Program helps him overcome not only technological but also entrepreneurial boundaries.

1. Why is your project/product a real innovation: What improvement does it bring for consumer/end users?

"Existing motion planning solutions for galvanometer scanner-based redundant motions systems are confined to specific hardware and require tuning and expert knowledge. We believe that this limits the adoption of the technology, limits the capabilities of existing production systems, and thus also the end user. We believe in removing these restrictions, and empowering users to achieve higher productivity."


2. How did you come up with the idea?

"While extensively studying the state of research and technology in this field, during a research project, current limitations became apparent. From there, it was obvious that a solution needed to be created to close the gap between what is desired and what is available."

3. Which milestone of your development have you just passed and which do you want to tackle next?

"A proof of concept version of the motion planning algorithm was recently benchmarked against established solutions, and the results seem very promising."


4. The biggest challenge on the way to founding a start-up is...

"The biggest challenge by far is the limited time and carefully deciding on how to invest it."


5. When and why did you realise that you wanted/needed to found a start-up with your idea?

,,The idea of a start-up, independent of the idea behind it, offers unique avenues of self development, creative outlets, and success, that are not easily achieved when entering an employee-employer relationship.''


6. Why did you take part in the Early Ride programme and where do you want to be at the end of the programme?

,,The early ride program promised to offer insightful information in a carefully curated workshop. The input should serve as a staring point to sorting and gathering ideas around the concept of creating a start-up.''
