Mobile innovation platform cargo bike

Cargo bikes are a sustainable alternative to cars for short distances. Due to the low use of materials, energy consumption and space requirements, their impact on the environment is comparatively low. Nevertheless, these vehicles have many of the same components as more complex vehicles. Examples include load-bearing structures, an electric drive train, disc brakes and driver assistance systems. In addition, the complexity of a cargo bike and the registration requirements are significantly lower than for a car. This makes it comparatively easy for us to present new technologies on a mobile demonstrator.



The aim of this project is to present the innovations of the InnovationCampus Future Mobility (ICM) to the public and inspire new STEM talents. The first technologies to be presented are natural fiber plastics in the form of a lightweight transport box and additive manufacturing using the example of a 3D-printed battery mount.


Approach and setup

  • Load path-optimized natural fibre plastic structure made of flax fibres and a bio-based or thermoplastic material using the example of the transport box.
  • Development and construction by students in their final theses supported by HiWis and research assistants.



The user of such a cargo bike benefits from a higher payload and more comfortable handling due to the lower weight. The materials also improve the vehicle's environmental balance and recycling after a long service life.

Key data

Research Field

Mobility Technologies


01.01.2024 until 31.12.2024

Project participants


Marcel Noeller

Research Coordinator "Mobility Technologies"

+49 721 608 45636