LAB1 - Future Laser Processing Lab

Future lab for universal laser processing

One research focus in  the Innovation Campus Future Mobility (ICM) comprises a variety of different activities  on universal laser processing.


Aim and approach

The aim of the Future Lab for Universal Laser Processing is to develop a new type of research infrastructure with which the potential of universal laser processing can be researched and made tangible and accessible to industry in Baden-Württemberg. In particular, the future lab for Universal laser processing will enable the ICM to research and further develop the combination of laser-based processes and to reliably assess the quality already during the process.

Central components of the future lab for universal laser processing:

  • Universal laser source for fast (few µs) switching between cw & USP laser radiation.
  • Modular processing center for the investigation of combined laser processes based on an experimental PBF system.
  • Flexible diagnostics system for in-process quality monitoring
  • Modular kinematics system for exploring different kinematics configurations
  • Open control architecture for adaptable and expandable system control
  • Representation of the future lab for universal laser processing
Future Lab Universal Laser Processing

Key data

Research Field

Manufacturing Systems


01.07.2022 until 31.12.2023

Project participants


Thilo Zimmermann

Head of Research Coordination

+49 711 685 60960