
Guaranteed without risk: insights into nuclear research at the CampusFeminarum

- News

Yesterday, female employees, researchers, doctoral students, professors and graduates of the ICM's partners had the special opportunity to immerse themselves in the exciting world of nuclear research during the CampusFeminarum!

The day started with an informative tour of the north campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The highlight: a visit to Research Reactor 2 (FR2). The reactor was shut down in 1981 and transferred to its current state of "safe enclosure". After the removal of the fuel elements and the disposal of the nuclear fuel, the heavy water circuits were partially dismantled or sealed and plant components that were no longer required were dismantled. The reactor block was completely drained, all connections to the outside were sealed and a system for venting and monitoring was installed. Planning is currently underway for the complete dismantling of the reactor. Since 1996, the contamination-free reactor hall has housed a permanent exhibition on the safe and environmentally friendly use of nuclear energy, which we were able to visit.

After the technical program, the participants used the time to get to know each other, exchange ideas and make new contacts in a relaxed atmosphere.

We would like to thank everyone involved for the successful event and look forward to the next meeting!

About the CampusFeminarum

The event is an initiative of ICM Managing Director Dr. Sandra Kauffmann-Weiss, who has made it her goal to connect and strengthen female employees, graduates, researchers, doctoral candidates and professors of the ICM, in short, working women at KIT, the University of Stuttgart and their partners.
