Highlights from 5 years of cutting-edge research
More than 170 projects, over 300 scientists and 60 partners from science and industry: at the event celebrating its 5th anniversary, the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM) will be showcasing highlights from 5 years of cutting-edge research into the sustainable mobility and production of the future.
You can look forward to a varied conference program and an exciting exhibition.
Registration is also possible for individual program items.
from 10 a.m.: Arrival and allocation to guided tours
10:30 a.m.: Guided lab tours at various institutes of the University of Stuttgart:
12:30 p.m.: Lunch with exhibition
1:30 p.m.:
2:45 p.m.: Coffee break with exhibition
3:15 p.m.: Parallel symposium in English
Manufacturing | Main hall ARENA2036
Mobility | Room V4.01, Pfaffenwaldring 4
3:45 p.m.: Cooperation Framework for Vehicles in Production and Logistics
Markus Schröppel, Institute of Mechanical Handling and Logistics IFT, University of Stuttgart
Pietro Schumacher, Institute for Material Handling and Logistics IFL, KIT
3:15 p.m.: Design and production of tailored multi-material components for future electrical machines
Manuel Henn, Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge IFSW, University of Stuttgart
Yuancong Gong, Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion iew, University of Stuttgart
4:45 p.m.: Get-together in the exhibition
from 6 p.m.: Dinner
Date | 10-10-2024 |
Place |
ARENA2036 Research Campus
Pfaffenwaldring 19 70569 Stuttgart |
Fee | The event is free of charge. |
Additional Info |
Organizer: University of Stuttgart Registration is also possible for individual program items. |